The Three-Body Problem

Cover art for The Three-Body Problem, the first novel of the series

Remembrance of Earth's Past (Chinese: 地球往事) is a Chinese science fiction novel trilogy written by Liu Cixin and originally published in Chinese by Chongqing Press between May 2008 and November 2010. The English-translated version of the trilogy was published years later by Tor Books, between November 11, 2014 and September 19, 2016.

There is also a fanfiction spin-off novel called The Redemption of Time, originally written by Baoshu and published by Chongqing Press in 2011 in Chinese, then by Tor Books in English on July 16, 2019.


Three-Body Problem[]

The Three-Body Problem deals with the interaction between Earth and an intelligent alien civilization, the Trisolarans, that evolved in a three-star system whose natural instability and unpredictability forged a different society than humans that has eventually developed in a stable one-star system.

The Dark Forest[]

The Dark Forest shows that Earth is reeling from an alien invasion from four centuries in the future. The aliens' human collaborators have been defeated but the presence of subatomic particles that allow instant access to all human information are now exposed to the alien civilization.

Death's End[]

Death's End shows that with the integration of Trisolaran knowledge and daily advancement of human science advancing daily, both the human and alien civilizations were co-existing peacefully, but this made humanity complacent. Cheng Xin, an aerospace engineer from the early twenty-first century, awakens from hibernation and brings with her knowledge of a long-forgotten program, and that could modify the balance between the two civilizations.

Book list[]


# English name Chinese name English translator Chongqing Press publication date Tor books publication date Page count
1 The Three-Body Problem 三体 Ken Liu May 2006 November 11, 2014 399
2 The Dark Forest 黑暗森林 Joel Marinsen May 1, 2008 August 11, 2014 512
3 Death's End 死神永生 Ken Liu November 2010 September 20, 2016 604


English name Chinese name English translator Chongqing Press publication date Tor books publication date Page count
The Redemption of Time 观想之宙 Ken Liu 2011 July 16, 2019 400