
Jakester95 Jakester95 31 December 2023

Literatures I Could make

The list a Halloween Carol tsukiko

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BBDH BBDH 12 September 2021

Literary Terms A-Z


An allusion in literature is an indirect or implied reference to a person, event, place, thing, or some part of another text.  When allusion is used, we assume the other person understands what it is we are referencing. For example, Chocolate is his kryptonite.  The word kryptonite alludes to the well-known hero Superman.

allusion | Definition & Facts. (2021). Encyclopedia Britannica.

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Elephant777 Elephant777 3 June 2018

White Winds

Are you interested in supporting a story that provides a in-depth story that is from a prehistoric animal's perspective?  Well here is your chance to support White Winds.  A historical animal fiction story set in the prime time of the Ice Age

If anyone is remotely interested, here is a link to the actual site:

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Jeverzyck Raider Jeverzyck Raider 22 April 2018

the labours of outlining

Hi everyone im jev and shall be updating all of you about the day to day writing process of my novel the place between the plywood wish me luck in writing ,oh and i would also like to leave a message to all fans of books to keep reading

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Teh Sweggurboi Teh Sweggurboi 9 December 2017

Literature Ideas Wiki

Hey literature fans!

I will introduce myself. I am a young author of books, 20 years old only. I have written my first novel about the Syrian crisis and it will be published the 22nd of December. It's a story about a Turkish girl who meets her boyfriend at school, who convinces her to go with him to fight for the ISIS caliphate. The story includes my passion for philosophy, politics, music, and football and it closes with my own solution for the Syrian civil war.

However, (and if you write yourself, you'll be familiar with this) I have some more stories in the back of my mind which aren't good enough (yet) to be published, but which I still want to share. I was thinking of starting a Wiki with fellow literature fans, a place where everyone c…

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DeanNichols DeanNichols 20 September 2015

Gigi Lamar

Gigi Lamar it is a short movie. Influenced, Dame Edna and Ru Paul, I created the story of a straight female impersonator, who after a TV talent contest becomes a famous drag queen, and high fashion model. Read the plot here.

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Ropedia Ropedia 25 May 2014

Mihai Eminescu

M. Eminescu (his proper name was M. Eminovici - pron.: Eminovitch) is regarded as the national poet of Romania. Born in Botosani (pron.: Botoshan), he died at the age of 38 years in Bukarest, suffering from paralysis the last five years of his life. From 1869 to 1874 he studied philosophy in Vienna and Berlin, later on working as librarian, superinten- dent of elementary schools and newspaper editor. In his short life he could not realize so many of his literary drafts (poetries, stories, fairytales etc.). Only a small part of his work was published during his lifetime ("Poezii" 1883). He was most loved for his pieces dealing with nature, and love, and for his "lyric of thoughts ", deeply melancholy and full of "Weltschmerz" and longing fo…

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DeanNichols DeanNichols 25 November 2013

Heaven on Earth

Gioconda Lyss recently published her first erotic romance novella titled Heaven on Earth.

Gwen McAllister and Desmond Blankenship have both had their share of disappointment in love and marriage. Gwen is a divorced woman who swears never to love again. Desmond is a businessman who finds his wife in bed with a friend. The two meet at a party in Phoenix and soon begin a long-distance relationship. While Desmond knows Gwen is the woman he wants to be with, Gwen is reluctant about facing her feelings for Desmond. Just when Desmond is ready to declare his true feelings for Gwen, Gwen’s life take an unexpected turn. Leticia Martinez, Gwen’s long- time friend and occasional lover, makes an unexpected visit. At first, Leticia and Desmond express an…

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DeanNichols DeanNichols 1 September 2013

Passion Beyond Words

The new magazine Passion Beyond Words, launched its  first volume today. A very well written short story romance anthology that I highly recommend.

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Cloverbianithy Cloverbianithy 11 April 2013

50 Book Challange

As of 2013

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Gcheung28 Gcheung28 5 April 2013

Announcing Great Giveaway Contest

Hey, book fans! If you love reading, why not check out this great giveaway contest we have for the new app, NARR8? The app is a free interactive digital content platform that allows people access to an extensive library of motion comics, interactive eBooks, and educational entertainment.

Aside from the app being a cool way to read the cool things people have written, NARR8 has decided to provide a tablet for ONE winner in a special Wikia giveaway contest! If you're interested in entering, check out the contest now!

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Ashleyjules Ashleyjules 26 December 2012

Top 5 Jane Austen Heroines

It's ought to be noticed that out of all the heroines in English Literature, Jane Austen's heroines have always been said to be the remarkable best. But one thing which is always clear is; there are best of best. So, now let us see which women have taken out to the honorary title of being Jane Austen's 'Top 5 best Heroines'.

5.  Marianne Dashwood (Sense and Sensibility): Although romantic, Marianne contains the greatest trait a woman must have in her alongside and that is; Sensibility. She even though foolish through her kindness and vivacity, she owns the fifth place in my list because she has a heart which makes one a remarkable good human being. Kate Winslet has done a remarkbale good job in playing one of Jane Austen's top 5 heroines.


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Kate.moon Kate.moon 12 December 2012

Wikia Winter Reading List

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Bchwood Bchwood 10 December 2012

Hobbit Book Club Chat 2 - Transcript

Thank you to those who joined our second and final Book Club LIVE CHAT last night for The Hobbit. We're publishing the transcript from the chat below in case you'd like to see some what people had to say about their favorite characters in the book, the differences between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and which scenes we're most excited to see brought to life in the movie.

Be sure to follow us on Good Reads and Twitter! While you’re at it, tweet @WikiReads with the title of the next novel you’d like us to Book Club.

• Bchwood glad you could join us, so shall we begin ?

• MaidenofThunder Yes!

• Lily! sure

• Wordwizard Thanks! I just discovered this site yesterday. To the people who have read The Hobbit multiple times, have you fo…

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Bchwood Bchwood 6 December 2012

Wikia Book Club - The Hobbit, Live Chat One Recap

A big thanks to all those who joined in the LIVE CHAT yesterday evening about The Hobbit. Everybody's passion for this beloved book and excitement for the upcoming movie made the discussion nothing short of exhilarating!

Some of the topics we covered included: who our favorite characters in the book are and why; the differences in tone and writing style between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings; Bilbo's incredible, heroic journey from both an external and an internal perspective; the themes that hit home for us; and last, but definitely not least, the things we were all most looking forward to seeing brought to life on the big screen!

Many of you wanted to make the first chat but were unable to- but don't worry, we are having a second cha…

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Bchwood Bchwood 21 November 2012

Wikia Book Club - The Hobbit

Welcome to the Wikia Book Club – a place where the Wikia community can get together, read, and discuss novels currently heating up the pop culture zeitgeist. We’re excited to announce the next book we’ll be reading is the prequel to The Lord of the Rings and the book many critics hail as one of the finest fantasy novels ever forged on paper- J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit! Whether you’re new to Middle-earth or can recite the Elvin Hymn to Elbereth, this is a great way to celebrate the upcoming release of Peter Jackson’s film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Join us here Wednesday, Dec. 5th at 5pm PST and then again on Sunday, Dec. 9th at 5pm PST (if you can only make one that’s fine too) to share your thoughts on Hobbit-holes, diminutive Dwarves,…

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Gcheung28 Gcheung28 25 September 2012

Fall's 2012 YA Book Guide

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Porterfield Porterfield 6 June 2012

Summer 2012 Book Guide

This day and age you would be hard pressed to find a young person who would rather read a book than watch a movie. The irony is that most of the movies they watch are based on books, especially as originality-dry Hollywood increasingly relies on adaptations (as well as sequels, remakes, reboots, and the like).

I'm not here to convince you that a book is always better than its film adaptation. That's a scientific fact. I will however, provide you with a summer reading list that consists entirely of books that will be adapted into films that will be released in the next upcoming years. This is a very important list because anyone who fails to read the book before seeing the movie is nincompoop! It's cool to be the friend that spreads the word…

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Ausir-fduser Ausir-fduser 16 June 2011

Joyce's Ulysses - Twitter edition

Steve Cole, a big James Joyce fan from Baltimore, has decided to observe Bloomsday, an annual commemoration of the Irish writer's works on June 16, in a new way, by.. tweeting Ulysses. He'll start at 8 AM Dublin time and will continue for 24 hours.

The tweets won't just consist of the novel's text, sentence after sentence, but instead will be an adaptation of the work to the 140-character medium.

“That would be dull and impossible,” says Cole. "What is proposed here is a recasting or a reimagining of the reading experience of this novel, start to finish, within the confines of a day-long series of tweets from a global volunteer army of Joyce-sodden tweeps.”

You can follow the tweets at @11ysses. Do you think it's a good way of commemorating th…

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